Couple in Folk KrojeFestival season is starting and will be in full stride in the months ahead. Festivals range from locally known to nationally recognized with attendees coming in by plane, auto or RV, or by the bus load. Friends meet, new friends are made, and people develop or re-engage connections of various types to their heritage through experiences, memories and conversations.

The menus and schedules are full at the festivals, which range from one day in length to several days. The NCSML will participate in our local community’s own Czech heritage festival, Houby Days, May 17-19, with events such as a Taste of Czech and Slovak dinner and dance performances from a Sokol youth folk dance group. Food, drink, music, people, artifacts, art, crafts, laughter, hugs and language are just some of the things people encounter and/or bring back. “Bringing back” your experiences and sharing them with others through stories, images or recipes are another way to spread the joy and pride you have for your heritage.

The many wonderful festivals around the country are not just for those of the specific, honored cultures. I encourage you to bring someone that is not of the culture along to experience it, too. It may be one of the most important things you can do to help appreciate and understand the many things of your ancestry about which you are proud.

I would love to hear your festival experience story. Contact me at 832-877-8821 or at

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